Wind River Homes and Wind River Furniture & Decor

Wind River Homes and Wind River Furniture & Decor located on Dreamwalker & Dreamweaver sims on the InWorldz Grid.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Circular Tile Fountains

Circular Tile Fountains by Teal Freenote
Circular Tile Fountains, a photo by Teal Freenote on Flickr.
Spanish style talavera tile circular fountains in 4 color schemes. Rippling water and gentle particle spray cool your patio or courtyard.

Wind River Furniture
In Worldz Grid

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spanish Tile Wall Fountains

New at Wind River Furniture & Decor, Spanish decorated tile wall fountains - can sit against the ground or suspend from a wall. 4 styles. Great for your courtyard, patio or historical street. Copy/Mod.

Wind River Furniture & Decor
InWorldz Grid

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mexican Chimineas

Mexican Chimineas by Teal Freenote
Mexican Chimineas, a photo by Teal Freenote on Flickr.
Those lovely clay and ceramic outdoor firepits that grace patios and courtyards in Mexico and the Southwest USA, now at Wind River Furniture & Decor. Wrought iron stand support 5 choices: Aged Painted Clay, Red Earth Ceramic, Dusty Teal Ceramic with Talevara Accent, Earthy Hand-Glazed, and Ochre Pottery with Teal Accent. Touch on/off for smoke from this "little chimney". Copy/ Mod

Wind River Furniture & Decor
InWorldz Grid